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Medical Services

Medical Services

The International Federation for Businessmen and Women offers a comprehensive range of medical services that support the development of healthcare and medical projects on a global scale.

Where we offer the following services:
  • Medical Project Establishment: We assist in establishing and managing medical projects by providing specialized consulting in healthcare facility design and business strategy development.
  • Medical Supplies Provision: We provide the best solutions for securing medical supplies according to the highest global standards, ensuring operational efficiency and patient safety
  • Reliability of Medical Facilities: We enhance the reliability of medical facilities by offering consulting services that ensure compliance with international health standards.
  • Medical Staff Training: We deliver professional training programs to equip medical staff with the latest skills and knowledge to ensure high-quality healthcare delivery.
  • Global Medical Bookings: We facilitate medical bookings at top hospitals and healthcare facilities worldwide, ensuring patients receive appropriate care.
  • Addiction Treatment: We provide comprehensive treatment programs for addiction, combining medical care and psychological support to ensure sustainable recovery.


Headquarters - USA

Presidency of the Federation - Kuwait

General Secretariat - Iraq



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