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Assessment and Inspection

Assessment and Inspection Services

We guarantee high quality and safety in everything we do, offering you a comprehensive range of specialized inspection services that cover all aspects of your daily life. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions, protecting your health, safety, and property.

Where we offer the following services:
  1. Building Safety Assessment: We inspect buildings to ensure they are safe for use and comply with safety standards.

    • Hidden Defect Detection: Detect any hidden defects or problems in buildings using the latest technologies.
    • Quality Assessment of Materials Used: Verify the quality of materials used in construction and ensure they comply with standard specifications.
  2. Equipment and Device Inspection

    • Preventive Maintenance: Provide preventive maintenance services for devices and equipment to maintain their optimal performance.
    • Electrical Device Inspection: Ensure the safety of electrical devices and the absence of any risks.
    • Energy Efficiency Assessment: Evaluate the energy efficiency of devices and equipment and propose solutions to improve them.
  3. Car and Vehicle Inspection

    • Comprehensive Car Inspection: Conduct a comprehensive inspection of cars and vehicles to ensure their safety and operability.
    • Engine Condition Assessment: Inspect the engine condition and detect any current or potential problems.
    • Brake System Inspection: Inspect the brake system to ensure its efficiency and safety.
4.evironmental and Health Systems
  • Air and Water Quality Assessment: Ensure that they are free from pollutants.
  • Soil Inspection: Ensure that soil is free from toxic and harmful substances.
  • Environmental Risk Assessment: Assess potential risks and propose solutions to mitigate them.
5.food and Agricultural Products
  • Food Quality Inspection: Ensure food safety and freedom from microbes and harmful substances.
  • Nutritional Component Analysis: Ensure compliance with standard specifications.
  • Agricultural Product Inspection: Ensure freedom from pesticides and harmful chemicals


Headquarters - USA

Presidency of the Federation - Kuwait

General Secretariat - Iraq



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